My Other Blog

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Big BC! Oct. 11, 2010

So, I did my BC on October Eleventh, Twenty Ten. I feel like I should actually note this before I move forward and make new posts about what I am doing to my hair. At ~1 AM in the morning I made my first snip and took a picture of it! It was a lot of hair! I would guestimate 4 inches was cut off, but not all around. Because since cutting my hair I've noticed why one side was shorter. It's because my hair is noticeably tighter on one side, I find it very annoying. I mean, I have like 4 different textures on my head, frizz, AND hair that is shorter on one side! My hair was never uneven while I was getting relaxers, soooo I guess that's what gave me the illusion of my hair breaking on side, well, that doesn't matter anyway because now I have a head full of natural healthy hair.

I am proud to have made it to APL, the first I've been there since before my relaxers, and even if that's as far as my hair will grow, I will be happy, but I am pushing for WL lmao! At the moment my hair is SL from the back. It's weird for me to judge my hair length because it's not the same, so I just measure it from the back. Anywho, on to the photos!

Before I cut.
The first piece cut

All the hair at the end, could have made a wig!
Length of the front of my hair
First Puff!

First Braidout!


Me messing with my hair lol

A shot of my textures.


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